Burlesque AcroYoga Performance for Designer Shail K

On Thursday December 6th fashion Designer Shale K launched a collection of her gorgeous new line of formal dresses at Duplex on Third.  It was a formal event and part of the main celebration was a circle of 20 models walking and posing elegantly throughout the lounge.  Tari was invited to create an AcroYoga based performance piece as the main event.  He brought on his friend, dancer and choreographer SuzE Q and together they performed a special piece of art in the Burlesque meets AcroYoga theme. The results we’re amazing. Below is SuzE Q upside down in one of Shail K’s dresses being supported in “Floating Pashi” by Tari.  Amidst a crowd of over 100 people filling the lounge, confetti and smiles filled the room as they set the tone for the evening.

Every two weeks, your host Tari takes you on an imitate journey.  You can work privately with Tari by getting Closeness Coaching.

Couple’s yoga and AcroYoga instruction as well as lifestyle redesign available upon request. 


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