It doesn't have to be sexual
You do not need to be in a committed relationship, married or in a relationship to connect with someone in this way. Intimate acro can create trust, closeness and connection between any two people from all walks of life. It can help also help you bond or feel closer with your friend or partner a way you haven’t experience before.
The sensations you will experience can be alluring, intoxicating and positively unforgettable.
Most couples know how to interact in one of two ways: platonically as roommates, or sexually. Often they miss out on the other 50 shades of their friendship or relationship that can be more sensual.
If you like the sound of that and want to learn more consider tuning in to the Closeness podcast, hosted by Tari. As a full time sex, intimacy and relationship coach, he explores all the spicy questions you’ve ever wanted answered. It’s free and you can tune in below: