Every two weeks, your host Tari takes you on an imitate journey.  You can work privately with Tari by getting Closeness Coaching.

Couple’s yoga and AcroYoga instruction as well as lifestyle redesign available upon request. 


Let's Get Closer

Read more posts from Elegant Acro:

Massive Appreciation for Amsterdam

Let’s set the stage. I’m sitting at the kitchen table overlooking two canals. Small quiet boats pass through, breaking the still waters as I type.

White Ibiza

Ibiza. What thoughts come to mind when you hear this name?   The first time I heard mention of Ibiza was reading it on album


Movement. Freedom. Energy. Sizzling Sensuality. It is amazing how much can be expressed with body language. Body language conveys nearly everything you need to know

Home Retreats With Tari Mannello

Learning the art of partner acrobatics and hand balancing can become quite addicting and adventurous.  Some clients and friends enjoy the full immersion experience and