Every two weeks, your host Tari takes you on an imitate journey.  You can work privately with Tari by getting Closeness Coaching.

Couple’s yoga and AcroYoga instruction as well as lifestyle redesign available upon request. 


Let's Get Closer

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I think Britney Spears said it best: “There’s only two types of people in the world, the ones that entertain, and the ones that observe…”

White Ibiza

Ibiza. What thoughts come to mind when you hear this name?   The first time I heard mention of Ibiza was reading it on album

Massive Appreciation for Amsterdam

Let’s set the stage. I’m sitting at the kitchen table overlooking two canals. Small quiet boats pass through, breaking the still waters as I type.

Voice Over Artist

Tari Mannello Sensual Vocal Artist EDUCATION 2013 – 2015 THE VO DOJO YSVD VoiceOver Intensive Weekend – May 2013The VO Dojo Deep Dives & Monthly