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Voice Over Artist

Tari Mannello Sensual Vocal Artist EDUCATION 2013 – 2015 THE VO DOJO YSVD VoiceOver Intensive Weekend – May 2013The VO Dojo Deep Dives & Monthly

The Iceman Cometh

  What kind of thoughts come to your mind when you think of swimming in the Ocean? Most of us get a chilly ripple down

Namastache: Daniel Scott

  Last week world renowned AcroYoga teacher Daniel Scott and I collaborated on a training video to transition from Front Bird to Reverse Star and


With all  the publicity that all-things-Acro gets on YouTube, Facebook and here on Tari Television, you may not know about my other business specialty business

New Family Discovers AcroYoga

“I feel it incredibly necessary to thank you for sharing your acrobatic world with us. You have made a massive impact on our world. I


Spring 2012 I put a new Ninja in my garage.  It was metallic black and silver and looked a little like a menacing insect.  I

Home Retreats With Tari Mannello

Learning the art of partner acrobatics and hand balancing can become quite addicting and adventurous.  Some clients and friends enjoy the full immersion experience and


Movement. Freedom. Energy. Sizzling Sensuality. It is amazing how much can be expressed with body language. Body language conveys nearly everything you need to know

Free People

On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, Free People Clothing organized an event at space 15 Twenty in Hollywood and asked myself and the Los Angeles AcroYoga

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